A Lovely Year of Finishes: April Goals

The first half of March was productive for quilting, but waned quickly as life expectantly when into hyper-drive.  Here in NC we dealt with near-daily climate swings which entailed 7″ of snow, followed by 70 degrees two days later, then more snow/ice storm a few days after that, and another round of 60-75 degree weather.  It’s April now and I’m ready for a fresh start at quilting and spring weather!  They’re calling for upper 70s all week and I’m lovin’ it!  While it’ll be a struggle to plop down at the sewing machine when it’s freaking gorgeous outside, I have rearranged our guest room into a sewing space which gets lots more natural lighting in it than the dining room.  And now I that I don’t have to unpack and re-pack for each sewing session at the dining table, I’m optimistic that I can be more productive. Or just more messy because I can close the doors to the room and hubs will be none the wiser, right?  So here goes, my April goals for this month’s link to A Lovely Year of Finishes.

My Major Goal for April:  Finish one of the two Here N There twin quilts.  All of it (minus birth info embroidery).  That means I need to finish piecing the top, piece the back, make those suckers in to a quilt sammy, quilt quilt quilt, bind, and sew on my label.  Right now I have a tall stack of pieced strips needing to have seams pressed, but I suppose it’s a small price to pay for working with such gorgeous fabrics (Parson Gray!).

Minor Goals for April:

  1. Finish second quilt top for Here n There twin quilts.  Ideally, I’d like to have it to the point of a quilt sandwich because we all know, twins come when they’re ready to come and the latest they’ll be born is May 19.  With one of the two completely finished (Major Goal) and the second well on its way, I think I may manage to get them done by their due date.  They’ll be born when they’re ready to born, eh?  Wishing my friend many good thoughts as she gets through the last bit of her pregnancy!
  2. Cut Kona white fabric up for patchwork quilt with April Showers fabric because let’s be honest – you MUST do an April Showers quilt project in the month of April.
  3. Blog the This N That finish of the girl twin quilts.

The list is smaller than March’s Goals, but may be just as daunting.  I’m focusing in on projects and getting to it!

Mrs QQ

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